Friday, August 5, 2011

lucky duck


Sooo... the last few years have really sucked for me personally. Buuuuut, I was just thinking and wanted to point out how blessed I am to have such an easy-peasy son. Minus his extremely large head coming out and causing irrepairable damage; the BIF and extra large right boob he left me, his reflux, and the first 10 days in the NICU (+ the normal kid stuff) - everything else with Max has really been fairly smooth.
  • He has always slept through the night - or at the very least 5-6 hours at a time. A HUGE blesseing for BiPolar working mom and full time working dad. I don't know what I would do, literally, if he wasn't such a good sleeper. AND, he never sleeps in my bed!
  • He seamlessly went from formula to milk.
  • He eats anything. Veggies, fruits, meat. He is a super good eater and will try most things. He is a good drinker. I try not to give him too much sugar and candy (minus DP) because I'm sure he will become fat one day; he's destined to, right?
  • His development has always been right on. He is growing great, talking and walking at the right times. He is a super smart little guy. Says words and colors, animal noises, etc. He even signs for food and drink (I didn't teach him, I don't know where it came from....). He is able to communicate really well. He doesn't have any weird hang-ups with talking/hearing/health, etc.
  • He doesn't fuss too much. If he is fussy, I can usually figure out what it is by talking it thru with him and we can fix it and he is fine. He is hardly ever ever ever whiney for no reason.
  • He has only been really sick once or twice. Nothing that wasn't cured with a preisthood blessing, motrin, and a day or two.
  • He is fairly active and entertains himself pretty good. He will watch TV, but not excessively. He is pretty good about playing on his own/with other kids. It is so hard when kids need to be constantly entertained!
  • He likes everyone. Even from a baby, he would go to anyone and be lovey and sweet. He loves people! I have been blessed, with an exception once or twice, that he will go to anyone (after moms screening, I'm not talking strangers), and be happy and nice.
I could go on and on. My point is, I don't know how I would have ever done it had he been a hard child. God knows what is going on, and he likes me enough to give me Max. I am so grateful for my little guy!


The Tough Sisters said...

He is lucky to have you as a mom! Good Jobber! Max is awesome!

The Brooks Family said...

Cute little stinker. You are quite lucky, but so is he!

Carly said...


this makes me laugh a little bit, cuz i was thinking about posting what a little sh*t Kaius has been lately. sometimes I feel like he doesn't love me, but he does. I just have a bad attitude sometimes. Or need a break!

I told Josh I dont think I want anymore kids (and if we do, it'll be a while) and he thinks i just need to change my attitude. Sure, i do. anyway. enough with my own comment on your cute post.

marnee said...

Max is a Keeper! Love Him!