Friday, August 12, 2011

30 days of truth

I know, I know, it isn't as cool as witty Bachelorette commentary, but a friend of mine is doing this, a good friend, and I am learning stuff I didn't know! So, here goes:

Day #1
Something you hate about yourself:
Wow, where to start. Bad question to ask a depressed person. I guess really, that is it, the depression. It has ruined my life. It has hurt Benj, my family, and I'm sure Max. I hate hate hate it. I am working hard to get it under control. Even 1% better is still better (learned that in counseling!). I just hate that it is so hard on my family and friends and is so debilitating to me. I had so much potential and I hate that it is gone and a lot of it is my own fault. I wish I just had more willpower and more strength to control it. It is still so hard to get out of bed each day. After what, 15 years of dealing with it? Sometimes it is all I can do to just get through the day. Or the hour. Blah!!!


Carly said...

Stealing! :)

TheAlveys said...

I am going to steal this too. It is a wonderfful idea. You are an amazing person Sarah I hope that one day you will see it too. I love your honesty and I know that you help others through your posts and honesty. Nobody should have to go through what you have and I pray for you. Take one day at a time.. or like you said one hour.. at a time. You are never alone. You make me smile. I love your sense of humor. Hang in there girl. You are loved!