Monday, August 15, 2011

day 4 - something you need to forgive someone for

Well, a few things come to mind, a few of which I cannot talk about on this blog because I know who reads it and it involves them......which leaves of course the jerk-off boys in 7th grade. The two standouts are Jon Hatch and Shane Wilbur. They were so freaking rude to me. Everytime I'd walk by them or one of their friends they would yell "RuPaul", throw things at me, constantly mock and make fun. Shane even spit on me once. I remember missing the bus more than once because they would throw pop bottles at me while I ran to the bus. I got reamed in the head pretty good once. Whatever, but that is when the depression really got bad. 7th grade sucks, for anyone, but they made it especially hard. I missed a good 3 months of school I think due to struggling with self-esteem and bullying. I have had a hard time forgiving them, still to this day. Benj grew up with Jon and they are actually still friends and I have such a hard time even accepting that. I know I need to forgive and forget, but I can't help but think they got the stone rolling that has now turned into a mountain. I know I need to forgive them and get past it. They were immature 8th grade boys. Jon is really a nice kid now. I am a big girl (literally) and need to grow up and get over it. It was a long time ago. I'm sure it would help me in my journey if I did.


Seth & Kirie said...

Sometimes it's hard to forgive people for things no matter how long ago they happened....ESPECIALLY when they directly contributed to bigger problems that developed over time. I have a few of these things that I still haven't forgiven people for....and it's hard because a lot of times those things were the beginning on my decline :(

coleman said...

Sar...that was such a hard time. I remember crying together after getting made fun of by those awful boys. SUCKS!!! I am still self conscious of my forehead and Matt thinks it is the silliest thing ever. They were beyond rude. I need to forgive them still too.

Spenny and Nellie Morris said...

Ooh I remember Shane Wilbur too! He was a meanie. I think I recall calling him a "poopstain" a time or two. Remember when that used to be a good comeback word? :) I'm sorry they caused you pain. Bullying makes me so mad. Sometimes I get really worried for my kids and that. Guess I will have to teach them the poopstain word for that...just kidding. :)

The Brooks Family said...

ooohh... I think we all had one of those guys! When i was in jr high, my rude boy, Adam, used to throw stuff in my curly hair and laugh because it wouldn't fall out. he even threw gum in it once. Still growl under my breath every time I see him. And very rarely wear my hair curly anymore!!