Tuesday, August 30, 2011

day 20 - my view on drugs and alcohol

Well, obviously, I don't think anyone would have much of a different answer than they are stupid. The are bad for your body, addicting, and ruin lives. We have all seen it. I've seen it in my family and with friends and just random people I don't know. I see patients at work who are in the gribbing hands of addiction. Losing thier family, their lives. It is horrible. They turn people into different people. They make people do things they normally wouldn't. They impair judgement. They take away free agency. No good.

On the other hand, at my low points, I have read up on, reasearched, looked into trying some things. I felt so alone and wanted soooooo badly to feel anything different than what I was feeling I was almost willing to try something, just to alter my mood. I felt desperate, like I needed an out, and at that point I didn't care. I didn't care that it was breaking the Word of Wisdom, I didn't care about the effect it might have on my family, my job, etc. I just wanted to escape the horrible, crushing depression.

But I didn't :)

1 comment:

ChotZ said...

Good job on being strong! :)