Wednesday, June 2, 2010

phoney camping waves and other musings

A few observations/opinions:
  1. If you are on a remote highway, and there are 13 cars lined up behind you because you are going 45, speed up or pull over. Honestly.
  2. The camping courtesy wave. What is this? The quick wave someone gives when passing you on a 4-wheeler or drives by your camp. And I've only come across it in camping situations, which is kind of peculiar. I don't know who you are. You don't know me. I don't care who you are. The look on your face tells me you don't care who I am either. Sometimes, it even tells me you not only don't care who I am but are actually almost pissed off at me. Lets just skip the crap and move on. We don't do it on the freeway, or on backroads. Now, don't mix this up with the courtesy number move. This is when you pass a wheeler and they 'signal' you with 3 fingers, telling you there are 3 more wheelers coming, so don't speed up again and make appropriate accomodations. This is fine; even encouraged. Please know, I am not discouraging friendliness. Just phoney camping waves.
  3. Candle scent names. Essence of Indian Summer? August Island Sea Breeze? Windy Jamacian Sunset? What the hell are these even supposed to mean, let alone smell like? If anything, these names are turning me off, not 'taking me to a place'. Taking me right out of the damn candle isle is what they are doing.
  4. Why are we putting shoes on horses? The survived for thousands of years without shoes. They didn't ask for them. I'm sure there is some sort of reason, but not that satisfies me. And while I'm talking about it, I have a friend who has to put shoes on her DOG or the dog won't go outside. I will say no more.
  5. I saw the 'yield' sign in someones car today that says 'Baby on Board' and thought, "Ok, now what? If I was going to accidentally run into someone, should I really really try to avoid this car? What action am I supposed to take?"
  6. The word "Blowout" should be used strictly for describing a massive diaper accident or a blown tire. NOT in advertising.
  7. The greeting cards are getting out of control. Too many subdivisions. If you want a card for your twin 3 year old cousins who have liver disease belated congratulations on their dance recital, there is probably a card for it. Yes, Brian Regan brought this to my attention and I wholeheartedly agree.
  8. I've noticed this sign with the contruction going on on I-15.

I have 2 opposing thoughts. First thought would be: No Shit. Obviously, while driving, you should stay in your lane. It is obnoxious that we have to put up a sign about it. But, upon thinking deeper and actually driving the route: no really, stay in your lane. No one does when the lanes shift and it screws up everything. If the car next to me doesn't 'stay in the lane', I can't, which clearly sucks. AND, don't try to change lanes in the "stay in lane" areas. It's just too shuffly. While looking for a picture of this sign, I saw some others that are insanely stupid too. This is says to me what idiots people are. I know they have meaning and whatever, but for real?

Don't pass with anger. Don't pass with a smile, no, don't pass with calmness, but pass with care.

This says to me: "Criminals, quick, drive here."

And finally, comments. I hesitate for fear of sounding desperate, but I look forward to comments on here like a letter in the mail. Like a cold glass of water on a hot day. Like I look forward to So You Think You Can Dance. I hear all the time about random people who read my blog. People I don't know, even. So please, blogstalkers, make your comments.


Kev and Manda said...


Rebecca said...

I like it. I totally agree with the comment you put on my blog. I think you would make such a good writer, especially with teenage novels.

The Hovers said...

It's me again. Good post. I like shoes on horses btw. They don't get sore that way...

The Tough Sisters said...

I confese, I am a blogstalker of yours. I can't wait what you have to say. I completely agree with you on the freaking signs. There is one in SF that says "Do Not Follow Trucks" What the hell does that mean? Why can't I follow a truck? I can if I want to! Geez!!

(btw horse and courtesy wave was my observations)

The Tough Sisters said...

I have been thinking about my previous post, and I would actally like to follow the person who made that damn sign home and smack them!

The Brooks Family said...

lol. Sarah, I seriously go to your blog every day hoping for an update, and wishing I could be as clever as you. I can NEVER think of things to blog about. So, know i'm reading, if when i'm not commenting! BTW: Stailey loves Max. She kisses his picture every time I come to your blog.

Devin and Monica Blakey said...

Let me guess who puts shoes on there dog lol!!!