Friday, September 16, 2011

a craft and a complaint

I saw this on Pinterest (surprise!) and it really isn't that cute and I thought Max might be a little too old, but he freaking loved it. Just tied a bunch of scraps of fabric, an old tie of Benj's, a sock, and a strand of beads at the end. Shove it in and he gets to pull it out. He was all sorts of excited. Don't mind my ugly carpet and Max's weird toenail. I don't know what is wrong with it. Whatever.

And this. I just cannot take it. I don't want to share the road. I want them to get on the damn sidewalk like the good old days. I want to hit them with my car is what I really want to do. I don't know the "rules" of bikers, but everything about it just pisses me off. I hate that they ride in car lanes, especially when they go way slower than us. I hate that they blinker with thier arms. I hate thier spandex. I hate that they ride on roads with no shoulders so we all have to freaking slow down and swerve into oncoming traffic so that we can "share the road". Hate it. I actually have two fairly good friends who are bikers and I just don't even really care. I still want to hit them.


The Hovers said...

Those scraps of fabric and the baby wipe container... did you steal those from my house tonight? huh? huh?

Carly said...


KoOie said...

Your bike rage is me X10!!!! I GET FURIOUS!! Theres some real peaches first thing Saturday morning in Alpine when Im driving to work and its OUTRAGEOUS!!!!! ;(