Sunday, May 22, 2011


Normally I would just FB this, but they are smei-inappropriate, so I had to say them here.

  • Do your pubes turn gray when your hair turns gray? It has never crossed my mind until yesterday and I think it is freaking weird. (AND why do some people spell gray 'grey'?)
  • I heard, somewhere, that a good cure for menstrual cramps is an orgasm. I can see that. However, #1, you are usually on your period heavily, which, depending on your situation & preferences can be messy/gross, and #2, if you aren't, you probably feel bloated and pissy and definitely not in the mood to be touched and/or prodded. But if you can get past those, more power to you. If Sheriece ever reads this, I'm thinking of you here.
2 other thoughts that aren't inappropriate, but while I'm here:
  • Really, really, seriously, is your book that good that you can't set it down while you are walking down the road or while you are at JCW's eating? Really? Come on. Set it down for a half hour and enjoy being social. Good hell. I understand liking to read, but when it gets to the point where you can't go anywhere or do anything without reading in the middle of it, the time has come to get ahold of yourself.
  • "On Location" newscasts. This has gotten out of control. Apparently, they want to show the public that they are 'on it' by being 'on location'. In most cases, this means something stupid like for the story about "Worn Tires and Wet Pavement" (yes, that was real), they have to stand in front of  Big O Tire store, that is closed, because it is 10 PM, and has nothing to do with anything, just so they are 'on location'. I've seen a lot of them standing on "Capitol Hill" anytime there is a court thing or legislative or whatever. It's pouring rain and they are standing in front of an old abondoned crack house filming a story about a shooting that was drug-related earlier in the day, just to get the right 'feel'.
Just on a side-note, I'm still peeing my pants like 3 times a day whenever I cough. If I'm not braced for it - it's out. Like shower about it.


Kev and Manda said...

Sick! And you used this "_" a lot.

Mike and Nic said...

I love your blog Sarah! Oh, and I'm with you on the "on location" news casts and peeing when you cough. I'm glad to know I'm not alone in the world!

Katy said...

Gray is how it is technically spelled in America ang Grey is how they spell it in England. i spell it grey i think..

Lady Rynn said...

Sarah, your blog posts make my day. Thank you! I pee when I sneeze, laugh and squat, it just gets worse the more kids you have!

Kelsie said...

I absolutely love you woman! Hahahahahaha

Rebecca said...

That is so true about being on location. I hear you about the peeing thing. Can't jump at all anymore.

DigandStacee said...

Hahahaha this was an amazing post! Thanks!

sheriece & Mckade said...

I don't think I like being associated with gray pubes and bloody sex!jk. Unfortunatley with my job I have seen more gray pubes than I care to, so yes that is true. As for the sex relieving cramps, I wouldn't know. I agree that's the freaking LAST thing I want to do then. But if you have a really bad headache, it'll sure cure that!

Sarah said...

Sheriece, I only thought of you because I know you had such bad cramps! I remember you doubled over half the time in history in pain. If only you could have had an orgasm! Disagree with the headache thing- it makes mine 100000000 times worse. Like aneurysm about it.