Thursday, January 27, 2011


I've thought this for a long long time, years even, that with all the technology and advancements in the world today, we are still going with the sandbags as the best way to combat a flood. Robotic hysterectomy? No prob. Laser eye surgery? Ok. Wanna blow up a specific building in Pakistan from your headquarters in Chicago remotely? Check. But, any good ideas to replace the sandbag? No, not yet. I came across the article below, via The Onion News (love!), and it pretty much sums up my thoughts.

Bags Filled With Sand Still Most Advanced U.S. Anti-Flood Technology
August 5, 2008
ISSUE 46•52 ISSUE 44•32
WASHINGTON—Filling a large number of bags with sand and then placing them side by side next to a body of water remains the nation's most sophisticated method for flood prevention, a two-month FEMA study concluded Tuesday. According to FEMA's findings, floods—natural disasters that have occurred since the beginning of time yet still destroy hundreds of American homes each year—are most often combated by scooping clumps of sand into burlap sacks and binding them with pieces of twine. "Perhaps bigger bags are the answer," FEMA head R. David Paulison said. The second-most effective U.S. anti-flood technology remains getting in the car and driving to an area that is not currently being flooded.



jenica Helmstetler said...

Love that thought. I too have always wondered why sandbags?

jenica Helmstetler said...

Love that thought. I too have always wondered why sandbags?

jenica Helmstetler said...

Love that thought. I too have always wondered why sandbags?

jenica Helmstetler said...

Love that thought. I too have always wondered why sandbags?

jenica Helmstetler said...

Love that thought. I too have always wondered why sandbags?

jenica Helmstetler said...

Love that thought. I too have always wondered why sandbags?

jenica Helmstetler said...

Love that thought. I too have always wondered why sandbags?

jenica Helmstetler said...

Love that thought. I too have always wondered why sandbags?

jenica Helmstetler said...

Love that thought. I too have always wondered why sandbags?

lacey and Jeff :) said...

How do u come up with ur topics? I love readiNg ur blog! U r very creative! Too be honest I'm kinda jealous of u, your creative, funny, you have a way of saying things that most people couldn't get away with. I wish I could write like u. I have always thought highly of u sar! To sum up I just think ur awesome! :)