Friday, July 16, 2010

day 25 - wrapping up

Yeah, I am going to sum this baby up - I'm sick of it. The next few days were supposed to be 'your day in great detail', 'your week in great detail', 'your month in great detail', 'your year in great detail', 'hopes dreams & plans for the next year', and a what ever you want post. This is my version of that:

Today, I pretty much went to work, got pizza with hubby-o, went to my moms to set up her new iPod, and am now home.

Times that, in general, by 7, and that is my past week.

The only thing 'different' about this month is that I got promoted to a supervisor at work. Am pretty excited about it, but other than that, normal.

This past year, I was pretty much prego the whole time between the miscarriage + Max. So that = hormones, fat, new, fat, cry, cry, fat, love Max, happy, tired.

In the next year, my number one goal is to get out of this dingy apartment!!!!! Hate!! I want to hopefully buy a house this year. I also hope to get some debt paid off, and of course, raise little Maxi-poo.

I've got something in my eye - I gotta go.


The Hovers said...

LOL love it! You need to pursue a book... in your new house or apartment of course!

Lady Rynn said...

I love your blog, Sarah! You are so funny and I enjoy reading what you have to say!

Chotz said...

You are stinkin funny!
But, I didn't know you had a miscarriage. :( I'm sorry!
Glad you have that cute little Max-i-pad. I know how much you love pads.