Sunday, May 2, 2010

Soap, anyone?

So, the toilet is broke again and I am, again, peeing in the sink. (My mom is going to kill me for saying that. Mom, I am keeping it sanitary, don't fret.) About every 3rd bowel movement, our toilet clogs. Anyway, on that note, while Benj was being a nerd and playing World of Warcraft tonight, Max and I were looking at the "Awesome Facts" app on my iTouch when there it was:

"The average human body has enough fat to make 7 bars of soap."
That's it!! The answer I have been searching for - I am going into soap making! Since I'm not, ahem, 'average', I'm sure I can do much more than 7! Then I figure I will just keep producing more, so that's it - soap making it is! Any scent requests?


Brittney said...


Rebecca said...

I love your new background and header. I also love your new blinking things on the side so cute. Did you make those?

Worthens said...

LOL... oh my gosh! I love reading all your posts on your blog, I get a real kick out of some of them :)

Sarah said...

marnee said...
I can't even comment because I'm laughing so hard at everything, the Mental hospital messages, Max smiles when he pees, big straws, the smell of catsup? Where did that come from? I'm not sure you are even my child... Maybe you were a basket on the porch baby.....and you are secretly related to Jerry Seinfield.