Thursday, May 6, 2010

Facebook & Firsts

So Max has had a few firsts over the last little bit: first haircut, first real sickness with fever, first giggle, first pee on mom (I took my eye off it, you gotta watch for it to creep up....), and the first mom clipped my skin instead of nail moment.

And Facebook. That's it, I am a Facebook nerd. 2 months ago, I dispised Facebook. Like not just, 'eh, I don't like it really,' Like 'I'd rather die than get on Facebook,'. And somehow, I've gone from that to checking it 2-3 times a day, happily. I can't help it. It pleases me to see that the boy I had a crush on in 4th grade, who is now gay, is enjoying a Frappe with his boyfriend Jose. I like that a girl I saw twice in the lunchroom in Jr High is excited for flip-flop weather. I smile when I see one of my old Drill Team buddies worked out so hard yesterday she is now sore. I find myself thinking throughout the day, 'hmmm, I should post that,' because I know the Jr High lunchroom girl is just dying to know. I could spend hours, just searching for pages and things to 'like' and 'poke' and people who I might know, even a little. Really, it is getting unhealthy. And it's not like I don't have anything to do. I have plenty, and I will tell myself that the laundry can be folded later, the dishes can wait, hell, Max can hold off to eat for just a little longer, just gotta check the status updates real quick. Facebook nerd.


Rebecca said...

That is hilarious. I went through the same things after I had Conner. I never thought I would sign up and now I check all the time too. What does it mean to poke someone?

Rebecca said...

Did you know that you can set it up so when one of your friends post something on their status it can be text to you automatically?

Carly said...

hahaha i've been meaning to take a week break for a long time now...cuz i am the same way. i was on it all day checking for new status updates, especially during peak times, at about 6 pm-8pm when people are getting off work and sunday nights. i couldnt do it before!! im trying to get over my addicton!