Monday, April 26, 2010

Is this NORMAL??

This is out of my brush every time I use it. And this is a pretty small batch compared to others I've gotten out. There is always another one that size in the drain when I shower, and another after I blowdry my hair. I have bald spots on the top of my head....What is going on!!?


Spenny and Nellie Morris said...

Yes! I lost a lot of hair with Logan, but good came back! But I'm probably about to loose mine again. I remember thinking last time that I was definitely going bald. Don't worry, just another wonderful pregnancy thing. :)

DigandStacee said...

I had the same thing happen when my baby turned 3months old. I thought that I was balding early. But the good news is that it always comes back! I still have my locks for now!

Rebecca said...

I lost a TON when Conner turned 3 months old. It lasted for about 3 months and then the huge amounts went down. I still lose more than I use to. My hair is so much thinner now!

The Brooks Family said...

Totally normal!! Don't know if you noticed that while pregnant your hair was thicker and healthier looking, but it's from the hormonal changes in your body. Your hair goes into overdrive, grows fast, and you don't lose the hair you'd normally lose. Then after pregnancy your hair follicles all go into "shock" from the sudden change in hormones again and you lose all that extra hair. You're not going bald, just losing the extra stuff you gained. (professional huh!?)