Sunday, October 31, 2010

Max is 9 months!

Max was 9 months on October 22. His stats at his check up were this:

29 1/4 in long = 90%
22 lbs 8 oz = 97%
47 cm head circ = 97%

They are going off the preemie scale for him still, so that makes his precentages a little higher, but he is still a big boy!

He is playing peek-a-boo, patty cake, waving bye-bye, giving kisses, scooting on his bum, and walking all over if he is holding your hands. He wants nothing to do with crawling or being on his tummy. At all.

He still has reflux. We tried him off his meds for a week or so and back came the projectile spit ups. Dr Johnson says the 'vagus nerve' (gag reflex) doesn't form fully in preemies (or something) so it is common. Wierd to call him a preemie.

Also, since babies aren't raised on their tummies anymore, and for sure Max wasn't, it is normal for him to not be moving around as much. I was worried about this. He also said when they are big babies it is way harder for them to move thier weight around. I knew this and kind of thought of it as a fat joke, but really, it must be hard. It's hard for me to move myself around! Manda's baby Blake moves a lot more, but also is a lot lighter.

They pricked his toe for a hemoglobin and he didn't care. He looked at his toe, then looked at the nurse and smiled. The shots, however, he did not smile for.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

He is such a cutie! Sorry about the reflux.