Thursday, October 28, 2010

catch up

I've got a few things:
1st: 2 new pet peeves added - see sidebar.

2nd: Upon reflection, ghosts are realy just dead people, right? Why the hell did someone think draping a sheet over a body would make them look like a ghost? No, it looks like a ghost with a sheet over them. I'm just sayin....

3rd: I've always been confused by the fact that Sewing Machines and Vacuums have been categorized together. Are they really that similar? I think it is freaking wierd. It borderline ticks me off. Then, I got thinking that those Flag-Map stores are awkward too.... they have nothing to do with each other directly either, and those stores definately piss me off. Why would anyone every want to go there? Get a map on your way out of town while you are getting gas and a drink. You don't need a flag. No one does. Then, a little closer to home, copies and party supplies (@ Pioneer Party)? And at one time there were also prescriptions there too. Did someone just think one day while making a copy, "Man, I wish they had a pinata here," or "It would be so convenient if I could pick up some valium when I pick up the kids birthday party balloons," (That one might be valid) But you get what I'm saying here? Crazy combinations.


The Hovers said...

The party & copy thing was a necessity back in the day... there was no party store and no copy store... so there was a need that we filled. It is odd, I agree. But it works! The map and flag thing both have to do with geography. Vacuums and sewing machines are both household machines.

marnee said...

Forget the "map&flags"..."vacume&sewing machines" and go straight back to the valium. I threw alot of kids birthday parties and looking back valium would have been very helpful!