Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Max update

  • He took his first 3 steps on Saturday (Feb 5th). He will stand alone sometimes, then realize he is doing it and sit down.
  • He likes to point or pick things up and say "this".
  • He's switched to normal milk now.
  • He came up with what a dog says. He puts his chin down and furrows his brow and says "ruff ruff".
  • He blows and gives kisses a lot.
  • He likes Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. No, really.
  • He sweats like a 300 lb man doing cardio while he sleeps (he just woke up in the movie below, notice the wet hair).
  • He loves dancing to any sort of beat. Loves.
  • He laughs like crazy when you chase him (or he thinks you might be chasing him, or he wants you to chase him, or he thinks about you chasing him).

This is his whole life right now. He will follow you around with a book and hand it to you to read it to him.


1 comment:

The Tough Sisters said...

Do you guys have a sweating problem?