Thursday, January 26, 2012

They call me.... shredder

I know, this is freaking disgusting. I debated if I should post it, but you have to see this in order to understnad the next picture.

Soooo..... clearly, I have a problem with dry feet. An extreme problem. This is a few months ago, after a shower, with one of those razor tools the Veitnamese use in the nail places.

Since I was a baby, I rub my feet together to go to sleep. Really, whenever I am tired (at work sometimes....). So this is my bed. My freaking foot got caught in a hole in the sheet the other night. Soo, after much deliberation, and some denial, Benj and I came to the conclusion that the combination of me rubbing my sandpaper/wire-brush feet together vigorously every night and crappy quality sheets = hole in the sheet.

Pretty intense.

(note: I can control it with the Ped-Egg +  cream from the dermatologist, I just don't sometimes. I know there are thousands of remedies out there - I get "suggestions" all the time.)

Anyhow, Benj has started calling me Shredder.


Alie said...

Haha. Coolest nickname ever!!! Kinda jealous...

coleman said...

Holy crap sar! you weren't kidding when you said you needed a pedicure. That is crazy! I remember you rubbing your feet to go to sleep. Funny!!!

Stef said...

I do the exact same thing! We have to buy sheets constantly because of it. I can definitely relate to the "catching" in the middle of the night.