Wednesday, October 5, 2011

cabin trip

my cutie patutie workin on the deck

watchin daddy

watching the kids

the whole trip - Max about 20 feet behind the big kids...

that kid loves a broom!

4-wheeling with grandma (he looks extra owl-ish here)

wearin uncle Wes' hat
There is a squirrel at the cabin - VERY friendly. We made him a little "house" out of the water pipe cover thing. This fall, he has moved.....

to the new woodshed! cute house, eh?

Max's cousin Brylee

Max's cousin KJ

We love the cabin! Can't wait for snow + snowmobiling!


Devin and Monica Blakey said...

extra owl-ish? LOL

DigandStacee said...

He has such amazing blue eyes! So cute!

Brittney said...

You have a beautiful son!!