Tuesday, September 7, 2010

musings on the peri-bottle

Yeah, I pretty much think this is a bunch of shit. For those who may not know, this is the device they give you to 'cleanse' the place between hole #1 and hole #2 after you deliver a baby. Swollen, bloody, scab, stitches, blah. They tell you to use it each time you go to the bathroom and in the shower. One problem: gravity. Even if you fill this guy to the brim and give it a hefty squeeze, you aren't getting much water on the skin, let alone enough to clean it. No water pressure. Plus, try being a biggie and getting your hand and a bottle between your legs, down into the toilet bowl, & trying to aim without some kind of painful accident or hand-getting-wet fiasco. No-can-do. I get the point, keep 'er clean to avoid infection. My solution:

This one looks like a rattle snake, kind of creepy, but this is a much better option. For hell sakes. I made Benj go out and get one in fact. Use gently, of course. Baby wipe when you pee, use this sucker in the shower. No infection. No need for the stupid bottles. Max freaking uses it as a bath toy now.


The Tough Sisters said...

wow! I had no idea!

Taylor said...

amen sister!

Carly said...

i had to use one too even though i had a c-section. i loved it just it was like a shower in a bottle. baby wipes would work too, i agree. the only thing i didnt like about it was it was really hard to get the perfect temperature. i usually got it too hot.

The Hovers said...

I'm thinking it's weird that you are on the subject and Max is now 7 months old! Although you have some good points. The showerhead/rattlesnake attachment is the best thing ever for many reasons. I like to be able to wash my hair without getting in the shower - good when you're in a hurry. Bah.

Lady Rynn said...

Sarah, you crack me up! I never know what will appear on your blog next! Thank you for making my day! I so agree with the fact that it doesn't work like they say it will. I feel stupid but I never thought to use the shower head like that. I'll keep it in mind with this baby! ;)

Devin and Monica Blakey said...

I think it is funny that you are talking about where you are putting this thing and at the same time you are saying how max now plays with it. ha ha but yes I do agree and will remember for some day when I need to use it!