Sunday, January 31, 2010

Delivery part 2 - Max is home - Lots of pictures! Videos!

Well I forgot one key part of the delivery - the aftermath. So Max had come out and they took him to do whatever they do and Dr Allen started the 'massage' of the uterus to deliver the placenta. Not real comfortable. They brought Max over for a second and I started to get nauseated and handed him back to the nurse. I then began projectile puking. They give you a big condom looking thing with a 2 inch diameter to puke in, so naturally I missed most of the time. I threw up a good 7 times, filled a few of those things. The others hit the nurse, one splashed in my face, one ran down my back, one in my hair. It was out of control. I hadn't even eaten, I don't even know what the hell was coming up. Anyway, with one of the throw up thrusts, my placenta came flying out and hit Dr Allen, somehwere near his face. He had blood all over, it was pretty sick. Anyway, I forgot that part.

So Max is home! After a long 9 days in NICU, he's finally home. Of course, the first thing that happens is Benj took him and layed him on his chest and they are napping. Benj is such a hog! I am frantic, wondering if he is breathing, so I had to get out of there, so here I am.

Here are the rest of the NICU pictures and some videos, and him getting ready to come home this morning in his carseat. They aren't in chronological order, which is really annoying, but I am not going to drag them around. Enjoy!

1 comment:

coleman said...

Roo, he is so dang cute! I can't wait to hold him again. I am so glad he is home with you. Let me know if you need anything.