Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Haircut time.

THIS is how you do a 2 year olds haircut. Get him good a freaking tired.... Worked awesome!! (until the last little part) (don't talk to me about holding my phone the other way to do videos)

Notice the bubble. Total la-la land.

And here is the "last little part". It's like freaking steer wrestling. I should have videoed this too but I was holding down limbs. It was hard enough to get this picture. And yes, he threw up a little AND we nicked his ear so he did bleed (My FB post pre-haircut: "Have to shear hair and trim Max's nails tonight. It's like trapping a wild animal. Headlocks, throw-up and blood are not uncommon. Wish us luck.").

Yay! We love haircuts! Now for his nails!

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