I just couldn't stomach the "Thankful post a day" thing on Facebook, so I am going to sum it up real quick right here.
Obviously, like everyone else posted, good family, friends, health, car, a roof over our heads.
But really: tampons, caffeine, Benadryl, sleep, baby wipes after #2, that I didn't have to deal with infertility, our HSA fund, doing crafts, a fresh hair cut and color, good lotion, mascara (despite my bitching), Max's laugh, naps, proving someone wrong, driving in the car with the windows down singing Monster Ballads, coloring, fall and winter = hoodies, hot chocolate, family, football. The Office, that Max got his freaking tonsils out and that it is over, chocolate pudding pie with graham cracker crust, that my new house has lots of natural light (among many other things), forehead kisses, clean public bathrooms, kittens, pulling out a weed and getting the roots with it, chicken salad from Costco, Costco, our soldiers!!, that I wasn't a Pioneer crossing the plains (periods, giving birth with no meds in the dirt, no makeup, walking a lot.....), q-tips, sippy cups that don't freaking leak, falling asleep knowing you don't have to wake up at a certain time, ketchup so that Max will eat certain things, pedicures and especially pedicures with non-English speaking people so I don't have to talk, falling asleep to the sound of rain, A Walk to Remember, finding treats in my drawer at work, that I have tile instead of linoleum now, that Benj is really tech smart and it has saved us $$, central air, the cool underside of my pillow, Bob Ross, vacations with no kids, kids drinks that don't stain when they spill, my boss, being romantic, that I once was a dancer, avocado, drinking from the hose at my moms on a hot summer day, suckers at the pediatricians office, cookie dough, and pebble ice.
Thank you.